Allow this page to redirect you to Obsidian


Answers to some problems that may occur

What do I have to allow, there is no popup?

Check the settings of you browser if you have disabled Open links in apps in general.

I accidentally closed the popup!

If you have closed the popup, close this tab and restart the login from Obsidian.

Obsidian doesn't show up

Depending on you browser, you can try select the Obsidian application directly.

Where am I?

This page is a redirect Website to transfer the access keys into the obsidian application. The code of this page can be found on Github

How can I select the vault I want to use?

The vault can't be selected from outside of Obsidian. To make sure the write vault is being used. Close all open obsidian windows except the vault use want to use.

Just to make sure

This process will not work, if Obsidian is not installed on the system you use to view this page Github.

This doesn't work?

If you have tested all the previous steps you can ask for help on Github.

I have feedback

For send feedback you can create a GitHub Issue or contact me directly.